Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Something to Chew On

I am up at 5:30 this morning and posting a blog. Some may call that an addiction, while others call that stupid. I, however, want to call it divinely inspired. While the words I am about to share with you are not my own, they do challenge and pierce the heart. I pray that today these words will meet you right where you on. Maybe you need to pass them on to be an encouragement to someone else. However you choose to receive them, please do just that... RECEIVE them! I believe that within its lines, there is something to be learned for all of us.
As you know, Beth Moore is a huge influence to me. I love her Bible studies. Not just because they are so well-written, but because they challenge me. They make me super uncomfortable. Why, you ask? Well, it's in that challenge that I feel propelled out of my comfort zone and realize that there is a whole lot of learning to be done for the rest of my life. I just want to be teachable. I don't always do things right. I will always screw up, but thanks be to our Father He won't leave me the way I am. Through the words of Beth Moore I am challenged today...not because they are her own words, but because she cites the only Word that really matters - our very own love letter from our Father, God's word! Read this today and know that you are own my mind, ladies. I am cheering you on in your pursuit to be more like our Daddy, Abba Father. Go today and run this race for Him and to Him! I love you!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Difference Maker

God has really been challenging me lately, and the road has been a little bumpy, you could say. My soul desire is to make a difference, but that doesn't always come easy. It really requires a lot of endurance, patience, focus and attitude. I'll be honest...I don't really know how to do it just right. One thing I know about myself is I don't like to fail, but many times I feel as though I do. Sometimes you don't know all of the lives you may impact, but you just have to be faithful to continue to do what God has called you to do. Other times, God allows us glimpses of lives we have impacted, and I thank Him that He does that from time to time because it spurs me on to keep going. The truth of the matter is that God doesn't need us at all, but yet He entrusts to us different ministries, lives to influence and seeds to sow. It really overwhelms me that He would use us. You know...just USE us for His glory. We certainly don't deserve it.
Lately, I have been feeling like giving up. Probably those closest to me don't even know that I feel this way because I have gotten pretty good at masking it, or I can just move on and push it to the side in order to make it through. The truth of the matter, however, is that I feel my heart hurts alot. It hurts to see people saved. It hurts due to a lack of trust I have in people. It hurts when I feel like someone intentionally sets out to hurt me. It hurts to just follow God in obedience to all He's called me to do. Really, in a nutshell, life just hurts sometimes. I know that Satan is the chief author of lies, and lately, he's done a number on me. Ever heard things like, "You are good for nothing" or "You will never amount to anything" or "They will never accept you"? I hear this stuff and fall short when I believe it. God does not intend for a life with Him to harm us beyond what we can endure. What a promise that is! Maybe you needed to hear it today.
Back in the day when I was a Senior in High School we had to choose our Senior quote for the yearbook. I really struggled over what I wanted to leave as my "mark" for those following behind me. Apparently, at the time, this same thinking of feeling like a failure was surrounding me, and God led me to Psalm 73:26, which says, "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." (NIV)
Wow! Even today, those words ring out such promise and hope for me. I believe they are words that meet me in any season I may face. In this season I feel like I am in now, it really feels like it's lasted a while. I have tried too hard to mask the pain I feel over those that have hurt me in my life, and all the while I am hurting. I just don't feel good. "Why, God, does the pain continue to pierce?" I really don't understand it, but I do know this...when you try to be what people want you to be, it will never be enough. I know today, I can no longer try to be that people pleaser, but when you try to be what God want you to be, it will always be enough because, Ladies, He is enough! He is the "strength of my heart and my portion forever"!
Yesterday, in the depths of my despair, God sent an angel to encourage me. I want to thank Connie C. for her kind and encouraging words. You didn't know you were probably even encouraging me, but you did. Connie said that reading this blog was the highlight of her day! You may not think that means much, but to this heart that felt like anything my heart and flesh was a part of was failing, it meant everything to me. Thank you for your teachable heart, Connie - a heart that just wanted to soak up something for yourself, and yet you gave back in your encouragement to me. I hope as you read this that it is, once again, the highlight of your day, because today YOU can be encouraged to know God used you in my life!
For the rest of you reading this, be encouraged and lift one another up. One thing I know to be true...we just don't have a clue what is really going on in the lives of people closest to us, so lift up your Sisters in Christ today. Your prayer may be the Difference Maker in their day!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

24:7 Moms Event

Hop on over!
Join us as we celebrate Leap Day!
Moms, bring your little ones for this very special playdate!
Friday, February 29th 10am
LifeSong Gym
**For more info contact Jennifer Greene.
24:7 Moms

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Great job, Barbie!

A very big Thank You to Barbie George for doing an awesome job coordinating our Ladies' Coffee Connection yesterday! Although I was unable to be there due to a sick baby at home, all I have spoken with have been singing Barbie's praises. I am so very proud of Barbie and how she has taken her role of coordinator of this time very seriously. She truly cares about the lives of women and desires that we all foster relationships with one another. Some would like to argue that we do not have a need for a women's ministry, but I beg to differ. The responses of the women that attended yesterday are proof positive that women need relationships with other women. Titus 2 speaks very specifically to our need of having older women mentoring younger women. Have you ever taken a good look around? All of us are older than somebody! :) There is a whole world of women out there that is waiting for even one friend that will show them the love of Christ. I have loved sharing my heart this past week on my love and respect for my husband. He is my very best friend in this world, but I am also thankful for the female friendships that God has given me. Friends spur us on to be a better us, and it's times like Ladies' Coffee Connection that helps further build this atmosphere of love and trust for the sisters in Christ God has given us. If you are reading this today and you need to know that you are loved, let us show you that at LifeSong Church and in Aroma Women's Ministry. We simply want to show you the love of Christ and serve you in any way we can. We have another opportunity very soon for all of you moms of young children to get together and foster some relationships with each other, as well as for our children. Look for that information to come soon. Once again, Thank You Barbie for being obedient to all God is showing you. I look forward in the coming weeks, Ladies, of introducing you even further to the ladies I have the privilege to serve alongside in Aroma. I am going to give you a glimpse into who they really are, and you can see for yourself why I am so very proud of each of them!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Ladies' Coffee Connection

Ladies' Coffee Connection

Join us for a time to chat and hang out with your girlfriends...all while enjoying some hot coffee!
When: Monday, February 18th - 9:00am
Where: LifeSong Church
Toddler nursery area
Can I bring my kids?: Yes! Bring them...they'll play while we chat
Contact Barbie George for more information

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Check it out!

We have a family blog. We'd love for you to check it out.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Got Music?

One of the things I would like to do with our blog is to pass on some useful info, so write us and let us know the answer to this question...
"What is currently on your iPod?"
We would love to know what you work out to, worship to, or just chill out to, so post some comments ladies. I will compile a list of all of your recommendations. It's always good to hear some new ideas.

Way to Go Bonnie!

A very special "thank you" to Bonnie Moody for making last night's Monday Mingle so successful. If my count was right, we had 17 ladies in attendance! That is incredible because that was 17 ladies that were blessed by participating in making Valentine cards and bags for the children at Southeastern Children's home. Not only were we blessed by being there, but we also got to enjoy some yummy fondue. As I looked around the room all I saw were smiles on faces. To me, that means some joy was going on in the place! I had a wonderful time with my girlfriends, and even made some new friends. If you are aren't coming to Monday Mingle, make plans to attend our next meeting in April. We will take March off to participate in "The Witness," our church's Easter outreach production, but we will resume in April with some more girl fun! Don't miss out. We are building relationships and we want to build one with you!
We have lots coming up in Aroma women's ministry, so stay tuned to our blog and webpage for further details.
Thanks again, Bonnie, for your servant's heart. You did a great job!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Love is in the Air

Well, it's that time of year again...Valentine's Day is upon us. I am not much for the day, really. I mean, do we need a special day set aside to show the one's we love that we love them? Maybe some do, I don't know. Do I steer clear of the day altogether? Of course not! I am all about the conversation hearts and the box of chocolates. Before you go rushing off to buy me some chocolate, though...DON'T! I don't want them from anyone but my "Honey". He always chooses the best, but hey...I didn't say don't rush off and buy a bag or two of conversation hearts, though. I need them! They get me through the wait in the car line ( day the "wait in the car line" phrase may turn into the "weight" in the car line if I don't lay off the hearts...irregardless, I love them!). Ok...focus! I don't want to bash Valentine's though, because it does conjur up good thoughts for me, too. I think of things as returning to my first love...that would be the Lord Jesus for those of you who suddenly had a worry that I would go back to my first boyfriend, and NO...Jeff was not my only boyfriend, but I wish he was, and he's my only one now. I like it that way! Other thoughts that come to me is how I can be a better love for my "Honey." I want to love him with my whole heart. I strive each day to do that, only hoping that I can love him half as much as I know he loves me. I also think of my sweet girls. They challenge me, don't get me wrong, but they are the best parts of Jeff and me. I am amazed that God loved us so much that He entrusted their little lives to us. If only I can do them justice as a mom. They are truly my life's work. I also can't help but think of you, too. I love you! Did you get that? I LOVE YOU! I am in awe as I look around and see the volume of friends the Lord has blessed me with. Growing up, I had friends, but not so many. The ones I had, though, were deep friends, and they still are to this day. Growing up with a family in the ministry made it lonely at times, especially growing up so far away from my family here in the States, but God gave me an adopted family in my missionary "aunts" and "uncles", and for that I am truly grateful. As I have gotten older, I realize that all of the relationships I have now are just as deep as those few I had growing up. Each one contributes to making me a better me. I don't take friendship lightly. If you are my friend, you are my friend for life! I was just telling Jeff last night that it is remarkable to me that I have never had to tell a friend "adios" (that's 'goodbye' for you language challenged), except once in my life. A good while back I had to part ways with a friend I considered dear to me because the relationship no longer was edifying to be in, but that is always a sacrifice I am willing to make if it doesn't reflect Christ to me. I am, otherwise, so very blessed that the friends I make are the friends I keep for life. Am I just lucky? Nope, don't believe in it! Am I blessed? Yes, of course. Did it all come easy? Nope! Friendship takes work, effort and time. It is sharing life together through the thick and the thin, the good and the bad, the sad and the happy. It is spending time together...having fun, being serious, or just being! We need each other! If you are reading this and saying, "I am just fine without spending time with friends", please, stop kidding yourself. When you are with your friends you come back a better YOU - a better wife, a better mom, a better FRIEND! Don't forsake the relationships that God has entrusted to you. That includes your marriage, your relationship with your children, and the relationships with your friends. They are what shape us and grow us. They challenge us and mold us. Today, take a little time to let your friends know that you care. Tell them that you love them. For some of you, it may be a long overdue statement to make. Most of all, if you are feeling like no one loves you today...well, I DO and our Father does, too. That love is greatest of all!