Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Just Be Still

How many times have you heard yourself saying to your child, "Would you just be still?" I know that this mom here says it every, single morning as I am putting hair in ponytails. "Don't squirm." "Just be still." When things get uncomfortable or chaotic, we just want to move around a little and squirm, don't we? Truth is, life is just plain, ole uncomfortable all the time, isn't it? If it's not busyness, it's sickness. If it's not rushing, it's confusion. It's really always something.

This has been on my mind alot today. As we were sitting at lunch today, we were discussing the good, ole days when our Mamas made Sunday lunch. This is a tradition that I still very much like to hold on to. Grant it, there are times when we like to go out after church with friends, but usually you will find me getting up on Sunday mornings and putting something in the Crock Pot, or defrosting some meat to prepare when I get home. I truly enjoy the feel of Sunday lunch with your family. Here lately, I haven't had the opportunity to prepare Sunday lunch for my family due to various meetings or birthday celebrations that we've had, and chances are, I won't be fixin' lunch this Sunday because I am pretty sure there is some Scripture in the Bible that says, "Mama ought not cook on Mother's Day," so ok...I won't, then! Anyhow, where have those days of just being still gone to? I, for one, am getting almost perturbed at the number of people I talk to that just can't seem to catch up with themselves. I might be one of those. No matter when you see them, they are busy...their lives are chaos...they are always negative about the "next thing" they have to do. Well, I'm here to proclaim, "Chill out!" It's time for us to be doin' some be stillin' and knowin'. This might hurt a little, but no matter what you have on your agenda, take some time to just "Be still and know that He is God." He, ladies, is the knower of all things...the peacespeaker....the calm in our raging sea. I know that my soul craves this peace. I crave it for you. Gone are the days of our parents. We can learn from them on this. There is nothing more important....NOTHING...that should come in the way of being still and knowing that He is God...of being still and knowing that our family, our KIDS are right here in front of us just wanting a little piece of us....of listening to that friend that is hurting...of chucking that chore you said you were going to do today, and just having a little quiet instead with some hot tea. Do you see my point? I feel burdened for those of you who are just getting caught up in the chaos and you're missing the blessings staring you right in the face. Take a little encouragement from me and from the One who loves you most. Stop what you are doing right now, take a deep breath and just BE STILL!

1 comment:

Marsha said...

Hi Amy: You know that is about the best blog EVER! We, as humans, get so caught up in "rituals" of our own makings that we believe we can somehow put God on the back burner. I know I'm all so guilty of this myself. Thank you for the wonderful reminder that probably, when everything else is pure chaos and confusion, that's the best time to be still and soak up our Father. I'm positive God laid this one on your heart so that I would "be still" and know He is with me. God is good all the time and I'm sure when you reach the gates of Heaven your Father will say "Well done, my child, well done. Love you, Marsha