Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Back Door Guests are the Best

I'm sure you have all seen or heard the phrase, "Back door guests are the best." I personally like it's meaning a lot. I love for people to come to my home and feel comfortable enough to go to the back door, come inside and make themselves right at home. I have been thinking alot about "being hospitable" to others lately. I can remember a day (don't I sound old saying that!) when families were at their gathering places - grandparents' homes, aunt's/uncle's homes, church social halls - just enjoying being together. Today, however, things seem constantly in fast-forward and no one is bothering at all to push PAUSE. I am guilty of it, too. I get so preoccupied with myself and my life that forsake doing what I love the most - just hanging out with people. I have a theory that all too often we don't see people returning to church or to Aroma women's ministry because we choose not to let them into our personal lives. We keep them at arm's length. All too often I hear excuses people make like, "my house isn't clean or good enough"; "my cooking skills are not up to par to have anyone over"; "I'm just too busy to take time to have lunch with anyone"; "I have to work too much"; "I don't have anything to say when I spend time with people." The list could go on and on. I don't think any of us, however, think of so many excuses when others do extend a hand to us and desire to spend time together. Of course, sometimes schedules conflict and we can't make plans, but doesn't it light up your day for someone to be hospitable to you? 1 Peter 4:9 says, "Be hospitable to one another with out grumbling." Hey, there's nothing that says "I love you" more than someone saying, "I can't have you over to my house right now, but one day I will...when it's clean, or when I live somewhere else." (That was a hint of sarcasm...sorry). By then, you may have lost your opportunity to extend the hand of fellowship. Let me tell ya....I have never been to someone's home, or gone out to fellowship with others and thought of the trivial. I find myself thinking of how much that person must love me - that they would want to spend time with matter what. However, I've been to plenty of homes and done plenty of activities with a grumbler (I'm sure I've been the grumbling host a time or two, too.) where I left feeling like my cup had not been filled. On the flip side, too, I've seen a lot of people take, take, take...never to give, give, give. That might bother me a little because I see the purpose of giving to others is to also instill in them the notion of "paying it forward." Hebrews 13:2 says, "Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly, entertained angels." Wow! I don't know about you, but I don't want to miss an opportunity like that! You may be reading this with the argument, "I just don't have the gift of hospitality." Well, maybe not in the physical, visual ways we think of it sometimes, but Ladies, if you know Jesus as your Savior, you have something so very precious to offer another!
You've got LOVE. That is all I want people to say when they leave our home, or leave from spending time together doing whatever! I just hope and pray they felt loved and wanted.
There are still several days left in our 30 Day Give. Maybe someone needs you to pick up the phone and show hospitality to them. Maybe it's telling them you love them....write them a note...take them out to lunch....invite them over for burgers on the grill...go for a pedicure together. Get creative! So, I'm asking you again to post. I can tell ya, you didn't respond a lick on our Thank You Jesus Party, so I'm showing some mercy and giving you a second chance to give God some praise. Share with us how you show hospitality, and that, my friends is part of our Thank You Jesus Party. He deserves praise for bringing people in our lives that we can show a little hospitality to. If you need an idea of who needs some encouragement right now, write me. I happen to know someone that needs a little pick-me-up. Once again, you can write me at


Kimmee said...

I can take a hint. ;-) It's probably not fair for me to comment because hospitality comes very easily to me. Our small group meets in our home weekly and we love to have people over to visit. We don't usually have big parties like the one we had at Christmas. I did bring my friend Christy to lunch at church today, if that counts, and I have some friends coming over Saturday night to watch a movie. I think I would do even more but there are just so many hours in a day. I wish people understood how important it is to surround yourself with good friends but nowadays people seem to fill every minute of their day and have no time left for friendship. You have to make the time to develop those relationships. I know that I have met people with whom I would have liked to be friends but they were so busy they simply didn't have any time to build a friendship with me. We humans are made for relationship, first with God and then with each other. I think too many people tend to overlook the "each other" part.

Sorry! I got a little carried away. :-)

~Amy Jane~ said...

When I took the spiritual gifts test during small group, I was a little shocked that I scored so high in "hospitality". After reading more into it, I am big on the "meet and greet" aspect of it. I'm not against entertaining friends at home, I just don't do it that often.

Just the other night I had the Halls over for dinner. We had a wonderful time and I loved the fact that they just made themselves at home. Kim did an excellent job of holding up my kitchen counter while I slaved over a hot stove. (our joke)

I do agree with the excuses we all make for not having friends over. Mine consist of the way my home looks (inside and out), the food I can/cannot cook, the distance from civilization (pack a survival kit if you come out this way), or even common ground. But my friends are my friends for a reason. In reality, the things I have made a mountain of, they won't even notice.

My efforts are getting better, though. I have floating invites to have 3 different families over. Kim Adam is next!