Thursday, February 12, 2009

Loving Well

Ummm...sound familiar? If you went on Aroma's Ladies' retreat last year, this will be very familiar to you. Has it stuck with you? Have you been reminded of it from time to time? I love the message of the title because it is timeless. There are some things that just don't get old. For me, it's the laughter of my children, the smell of honeysuckle, certain songs or holding hands with my husband when we go out on a date. It's the Word and the "never gets old message" it shares each time I open it, hear it preached or incorporated into song. The message of the Gospel is Love. It's because of that love that God sent His Son, Jesus, to save us through His very own death. The day it gets old is the day I need a good old slap in the face! It is through God's love that we learn to love well. I have firsthand witnessed this message penetrate some of your hearts. I have seen this love change you and motivate you to love more and love more better (I would correct my kids for saying it that way, but fits here!). I am convinced that we have complicated the message of love to others. We have taken away the beauty of its simplicity and even cheapened it with strings attached and conditions. We have forgotten the little things that caused us to love in the first place and become too busy, too self involved and too serious! Today, I encourage you to take time to realize the little things, those special little somethings, that mean love to you. I have a feeling that you will find that when we return to that first Love (our Father), you'll see the little things that show love much clearer. It's then we'll love well, love hard and love strong. And, the great news is, it doesn't stop there, because when we do those things, we'll see prayers answered, hearts mended, marriages rebuilt, new relationships established, churches grow, families stronger, and the list goes on and on. Determine today to allow God to teach you to love well. Ask Him to remind you of commitments you made - maybe at retreat last year - to love well, and if you are falling somewhat short, don't give up...dig your heels in the ground and get to it!
I pray as you ladies prepare to go on retreat this year that you are already allowing God to soften your hearts for what He has to show you. You are going for a reason. You may not know it yet, but this time can be the start of something really big in your life. Write down what you think He's laying on your heart so you can write down when He answers your prayer for those things whether it be on retreat, or after we return. God will answer your prayers. We are excited to take this journey with you. If you need us to pray for you, please let us know!

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