Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Just a quick THANK YOU to everyone that helped make This Night such an impactful night. From hostesses to servers, from speakers/singers to those who attended, last night was hopefully "a Night of New Beginnings" for many of you. I truly believe that God is challenging us all to look more intently for Him in each and every detail of our days. There are opportunities and circumstances each and every day that stare us right in the face and we just walk on by. Hopefully, last night was a renewal for you...a recommitment to decisions made, and most of all a "step on your toes" challenge to maybe get rid of whatever it is that is tying you down and keeping you from wholeheartedly and unabashedly serving God to the fullest!
Thanks so much to Heather Cassidy for her willingness to share something - for the first time in public- with us that would challenge us, but would also be a time in her own life to take what circumstance God allowed to occur in her life and use it for good in your life. You may not fully grasp the depth of how incredible it was that she was even standing up there before us at ALL! She was a miracle standing before us, and yet God puts them before us each day and we don't even see it. So, I challenge you today to go beyond what YOU see, and see what GOD sees.
Let's hear your comments and testimonies about THIS NIGHT. What did God speak to your heart about?


Marsha said...

I am broken and ready to be re-built ~ a new!!! I am ready for new beginnings and anxious (in a positive way) to find God in every small detail of every day. I looked around last night and didn't recognize so many people. I saw and was able to love on people I hadn't seen in many, many years! It was a sweet new beginning in many ways for me; heartbreaking to hear Heather's testimony, memories re-shared with Heather's mother, Donna and knowing that for Heather to have lived through that ordeal and be able to walk on that stage to speak ~ witness to God's miracle. I'm so thankful I was invited and attended. Love ya, Marsha

The Pettigrew's said...

This night was not only a testimony of a dear friend I reconnected in the blog world with after high school it was a new beginning of many things for me. I thought that it would be different for me since I knew the little I knew of Heather's last 9 months from her blog but I was so wrong. A testimony and worship in person was priceless. Heather’s testimony taught me to pray for strangers you never know, they may be come a dear part your life. To just stop watch for God in all we do. Sometimes I think we just let the world past by and not watch what God does for us daily in our walk with him. To be less selfish and to be thankful for little mishaps in your life, to keep going when you think you just can’t make it anymore. Treasure your friends they are such gifts from God. Last and not least This Night of New Beginnings brought me back to a friendship that I treasured in high school and has reconnected us after all of these years. I am so blessed to have attended This Night and to be a partner at LifeSong Church and to be apart of Aroma.