Monday, December 29, 2008

New Year's Challenge

Hey Ladies...I would like to present you with a challenge, but you have to be completely serious about it if you decide to take it on. Take time to read the LPM blog (Beth Moore's blog) to read all about the challenge that I'd like to pass on to you. I have prayed for years and years for God to send me an accountability partner, and last night I received an email from a very dear friend of mine in another state. She had decided she wanted to participate in this challenge and wanted to know if I would be her accountability partner. I still long for someone that I live nearby to be accountable with in life, but I cannot tell you how excited I am to begin this journey with my dear friend - a journey that will take us on a ride together for an entire year! I had read the challenge posted on Beth's blog, but just hadn't taken the time to give it much thought, so I am so thankful that God sent my friend to tell me about it and used her to encourage me to do it.

If you decide to sign up on Beth's blog, I would love to know about it so that I can be praying for you this year. Just post a comment here and let me know if you are participating.

May your New Year be one that you stick to the new commitments you make. Most of all, may you see God take you places you have only ever dreamed of going with Him.

1 comment:

Donna said...

I went to the LPM blog and read it over...what a wonderful idea. I can't explain but as I read it tears started to flow down my face and the emotions I was feeling was over whelming.. Why I don't know!!!! I do know that I want to have a much closer relationship with my Daddy God...I also need to start putting away scriptures s in my heart that I can draw on.... my favorite scripture is "the grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of God shall stand forever" . Thankyou Amy for passing this on....
and maybe this could very well be a topic for you to write on..."Just a closer walk with you" We all have a story to tell,(on when, where and why)...So many of us would love to hear your story...think about it and then PRAY.....