Thursday, December 18, 2008

Take Note

Well, sometimes little snafus happen, but I can now report that after I tell you about this newest change, no more snafus! Please, if you have already signed up for retreat in April, take note that we have our final date change. The new dates for retreat are April 24-26. If you are no longer able to attend on those dates, please remove your name from the sign-up sheet. If you still haven't signed up, please do so very soon. Spaces are limited and your first deposit of $25 will be due mid-January. The total cost for the trip is $100, so we have adjusted it so you can have a payment plan of $25 a month and make your final payment in April before we go.
If you have any questions, please feel free to grab one of us and we will answer your questions as best we can....Barbie George, Amy Hickman, Ashley Kay, Bonnie Moody or Allison Taylor.

ATTENTION THIS NIGHT HOSTESSES!!!!!!!! Please meet up front in the Worship Center this Sunday, December 21st, to receive your ticket packets for This Night. If you are unable to be there, please let me know by email or just post a comment to this blog, and we will get your packet to you before Christmas so you can sell or distribute tickets to those attending your table.

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